Tokyo Shoseki
Textbook for social studies "Atarashii Shakai (New Society) 6 Vol. 2" (2004)

Client: Tokyo Shoseki Co., Ltd.

"Designer" was listed as a profession in a school textbook for the first time in Japan.

Takahashi authored a section about her work related to "universal design" and the connection between society and design.

It was a special feature about human rights, and "designer" was cited as a profession associated with the human rights theme, along with police officers, firefighters, farmers, and other professions Japanese people are already familiar with.

The publisher requested Takahashi to appear in this section, give an example of her work, and describe an incident that took place in her everyday life which could be used as a basis for discussion on "a design for society." Takahashi picked her "Calendar Cube" which she had been making for the previous few years. She also took photographs of the station near her office and used them for the story.
